
Difference B/W Blogs & Websites Things People Haven't Told You

Everysince I created this blog, whenever I share my blog URL to people, the first thing they ask is 'hey do you own a website?' At first, I explained the whole thing about blogs and websites and why mine is blog. Soon, I realised I have to repeat the story to every people. I was fed up with explaining things. Now I simply accept that I own a website and move on. So, in this post I'm going to give you a clearcut idea of what is a blog, what is a website and the ways by which you can discriminate a blog from a website. I accept there are so many posts regrading this topic. But, I think there are so many points they miss to point out. I have tried my best to bridge the gap. In the following table, I have briefly listed the difference between a blog & a website. To know more about a particular point just click on it. The first thing you must know is all blogs are websites but all websites are not blogs. Quite confusing right?? Read further you will get to know. Properties ...

How to Load Ads Without Slowing down Your Blogger Blog

Every blogger on this earth would like to earn some money out of their blog. So, they post ads or promote affiliate products. Coming to ads side, one has many options. There are so many ad networks available on internet to choose from. To earn anything from the ads on your blog, you must have decent traffic which in turn requires good ranking on search engines like Google. Every blog must fulfill certain criteria to rank top on Google. One among which is pagespeed. The ads you serve may slow down your page speed eventually it affects your search rankings badly because, ad networks use javascripts to serve ads on publisher pages which is why you have to load ads asynchronously or after the document is completed loading. I presume you know the basic things about render blocking, asynchronous script loading etc. If you don't know much about those things this guide could help. Also see: How to increase Page load speed of Blogger Blog If you're running Adsense, BuySell ads, Chitika...

8085 & 8051 Simulators for Windows 8/7/XP and Linux

Almost all Engineering students might have Microprocessors & Microcontrollers laboratory classes in the course of 4 year degree. So, one must know how to write programs and feed it into 8085 & 8051 kits to get proper output. Unfortunately, most of us won't have access to those trainer kits when we want. Here, simulators come for the rescue. Simulators are nothing but computer programs that are capable of doing the same thing as the real devices do. So, development kits are not at all needed for gearing-up for practical exams. One can execute assembly language programs on the PC itself. What are all the benefits of using Simulators Syntax-highlighting - If the syntax you use is wrong, it will show it. Machine code - Equivalent machine code for your assembly language can easily be obtained. Testing - You can test the code before feeding it to Microprocessor or Microcontroller Prerequisites for both 8085 & 8051 Simulators To work with the simulators which I'm going to ...

Easily Find the Meaning of Words You Come across on Web

'It is sine qua non to eat balanced food to stay healthy' What will you do when you read a piece of text like the one above? Do you know the meaning of 'sine qua non'? Sure, 95% of you might have no idea and assume a meaning to that word to know what the passage conveys. It might be good for the time being, but your English vocabulary would not improve. Also, you couldn't open your dictionary app of your smart phone or similar software on desktop to know the meaning. It is tedious and time consuming. So, what you can do about it? There are ways by which you can get the meaning, usage, examples, past & perfect forms, usage as adjective, adverb, noun forms, as well as the pronunciation of any particular word you come across on Internet easily. If you are not proficient enough in English, there is also a way to get the meaning of words in your mother tongue. Quite interesting right?? Note: This tip is applicable for chrome users only. I will find equivalent add-on...

Hide Pop-ups and Annotations on YouTube videos

We all watch YouTube videos frequently. While watching some videos, especially in full screen mode, it is annoying to see annotations and subscribe us links. It totally spoils our video watching enjoyment. You can manually close those pop-ups such as annotations and links, but it is not a permanent solution. There are two ways to hide those things in a hassle-free manner. This problem is a big burden for most of us, because the close button can't be clicked while watching in full screen mode. Most of the time spotting the x button to close those links becomes quite difficult. when it is more than two, you will be outraged. You can permanently hide those annotations by changing your YouTube settings as explained in this guide . The demerit of this method is you will no longer see links over the videos you watch which may include some useful links at the end of the video. Those links could be there as connecting links to other videos of the same channel or it may take you to the rel...

Stay Offline and check Who are Online on G+ and Facebook

Sometimes, you might want to be offline and check who are all online on Google+ or Facebook. You may have some reasons to do this, I'm going to show you how to do this stuff perfectly. It will be something like the list of online people will be showed, you can choose whether you must be showed online or offline to them, it's completely your choice. UPDATE on 17/09/2015: Pidgin will no longer work for Facebook as Facebook disabled its XMPP Chat API from April 30th, 2015. You will need a third party application named, 'Pidgin' to do this. The best part is Pidgin is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Download Pidgin . For complete guidance on which version you have to download and how Check this link . You may ask me, 'Why should we use a third party application while there are provisions to do this on Facebook and Google+ by default'. Good question. Here my answer, you may turn off chat on Facebook and Sign out from hangouts on G+. But, you will no longer see ...

10 Facebook Tips You can't Afford to Ignore

With 1.3 billion active users, Facebook is the most successful social network among world people. Day by day, the number of users joining Facebook increases steadily. Most of us know how to utilize the features of Facebook to make the most out of it. In this post, I share the most basic and important 10 features of it which I guess you don't know. Also, please don't blame me if you already know some of the tips mentioned. #1. Get post & comment links Often, you would come across a stunning post in Facebook which you couldn't share explicitly or you are too lazy to share it in custom. Sometimes, you may want your friend to check out a particular comment. You can get the link of any particular post or any particular comment by clicking on the timestamp (Refer below images). Else, you can simply right click the link and select 'Copy link address' and send it to your friend. #2. Download Facebook videos If you know how to download a YouTube video, you will easily d...